
       I apologize for not writing very much over these past 2 weeks. I have stuck to Wednesdays in the Word and Sundays in Seattle, but as for the rest of my blog... there hasn't been much more. This is because school is burning me out at the moment. Any form of writing has been a complete turn off for me, being that I've been writing several 8 page papers over the past 2 weeks. So when I've thought about blogging, it has seemed more of a burden on me rather than a release. But, I'm feeling less and less swamped each day, so as the days go by, you'll begin to see me writing more and more. Again, sorry for the lack of updates lately. I hope you can understand.

Lindsay (November 13, 2009 at 8:44 AM)  

Don't apologize! I can't imagine finding the time to blog while in school. You are doing amazing! And your wednesday and sunday blogs are always so great to read. I love them.

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