Today is a big day...

For the last... oh I'd say 4 semesters here... I've had difficulty getting the credits I need each semester. This is because I am getting a math endorsement and there are very few teachers in the math department, being that I go to a small school. Thus, the classes I am required to take for my math endorsement are only offered every couple years. I could have taken the easy way out and gotten another endorsement, like English or History, but math truly is the smarter way to go for 2 reasons. The first is obvious... I'm a math person, not an English person, so teaching math would be much easier and I would be more effective as a teacher. The second reason is that math teachers are almost always needed, so to be endorsed in math would do great favor to me in the future if I were to get a job as a junior high teacher. But like I said, its been a fight each time I go to schedule classes because teachers have to make accommodations for the classes I need. If I don't take a full load every semester, then I don't graduate on time. And if classes aren't offered so that I can't take a full load, then I have to take classes elsewhere and have them transfered in. Problem is... that's more money. So each semester its been a battle to find ways to complete my education here at northwest.

All that being said... I have my advising appointment today at 3:10. This is where I meet with my academic adviser to plan my class schedule for the spring semester. We are supposed to go in with a pre-planned schedule of classes that would all fit together, and then the adviser looks it over, and marks her approval. This is an easy process for most people. But for me its not... especially this time... because NONE of the classes I need to take to fulfill the requirements for the math endorsement are being offered. Well I'm now in the education program and once you're in the education program, they pretty much map out the rest of your time at northwest. This next semester they have me "completing my endorsement." But like I said... none of those classes are being offered. And the odds of them letting me take Fall '10 classes a semester early are not good at all. So... again... I run into the same problem that I've ran into every semester. I could go on and fill you in on more information because it gets very complicated... so I won't. :)

But maybe just prayers lifted up on my behalf would be great. I've spent time in the Word and in prayer with the Lord this morning. I've prayed that he gives me patience and a peace about all of this. And this He has done. I know that God will provide... for that is His what He has promised. However, He didn't promise that getting there would be easy. :) But today I have chosen not to worry. I have chosen to be calm. I'm resting in God. Please pray for this appointment today, and I will update you on how it goes...

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