Wednesdays in the Word

I feel a little lost for words today, so this blogpost may not make much sense. It may be jumbled with many different thoughts, rather than one focused thought. God is just teaching me so many things and working out so many things right now. But you know, I prayed for God to teach me, and I am thankful for the discomforts that happen in my life because those discomforts teach me something new and draw me nearer to God. I heard in a podcast the other day: Yesterday's faith was great, but it is not good enough for what God has for you today. Each day our faith needs to be stretched to the plans that God is preparing us for.

You know, sometimes I don't understand the things that God is doing in my life. Sometimes I don't understand why certain events have to take place. I don't understand why scary or disappointing events happen, but I do know and trust this: That in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. God works everything together in my life (and your life too), that I give to Him, for my good. For that reason, act in obedience. You know, its amazing what the Lord does when you act in obedience to Him. Let me say that again, it is amazing what the Lord does when you act in obedience to Him. Wow... as I was writing that, I saw the power that is in speaking God's name. I learned in a panel discussion of educators yesterday that children love to hear their own name. If a teacher says a student's name, "Lucy, that is a great job you are doing today," the child feels a sense of importance. She feels loved because someone cared to take the time to learn her name. Someone cared to notice her and speak to her as an individual, not just someone lost in a crowd. It inspires students and drives them to do better. Well you know, the God of the universe calls out your name. In Isaiah 43:1, it says, "I call you by name and you are Mine." I'm thankful for that today. Thankful that no matter what goes on around me, I have God looking into my eyes, giving me comfort, and calling me by name. He sees me where I am and tells me through my name that I am important, that I am loved, and that I do not go unnoticed in His eyes.

Who needs to please man when we have a God of the universe to look to. If God approves of something, if God says ok, then why do we look to man for him to say ok, too? I think sometimes I care about pleasing man because I somehow believe that man has better judgment than God. Sometimes man does actually have good judgment, and it helps my character and walk with God, but other times, it is not man who I should look to for advice because man is not perfect. I don't know about you, but looking to man for approval is too heavy a burden for me. Jesus says that if your burden is heavy, come to Him and He will give you rest. That is easier said than done, but it is the raw truth. Look to God in times of man's disapproval, and He will comfort you. He will say your name. He will guide your path.

Lindsay (March 24, 2010 at 10:01 AM)  

You should seriously be writing for a Christian magazine. These posts are so encouraging and honest. I look forward to what you write every single week :)

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